Lauren Jane and Chelsea Shelin

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Expectant Waiting

There is a buzz and an excitement in our home. A feeling of expectancy and hope.

A new little life is being formed and created in my womb and our family is waiting with joy.

It’s funny because in my perfect world, this third baby would have joined our family many months ago. Kinsley and her new little sister would be 18 months apart and our little family would be complete. However, sometimes our plans aren’t what is best for us.
So here we are, over 2 years later from when we began trying for our third child and our family is overjoyed. The other day during dinner, the baby started to move and kick and both of my children wanted to come over and feel the baby. They began talking to the baby and telling her who they were and that they were excited to meet her and teach her all the things they know. I captured a little of their conversation on video so I’ll have to share that soon.

This third time around, I am no pro and most days I feel like I’m just surviving as a mother, however there are a a few brands, items and necessities that I (and Lauren) have found to be so helpful when you transition a newborn into your family again.

I know this little girl will be a big help when the baby comes. She is already asking to help dress the baby, burp the baby and give the baby a soother. Kinsley loves holding her baby cousin Kovie and because our baby girl will be born in the summer, we will have some adventures and day trips coming up pretty quick after she is born. One of the most convenient items to pack along or use everyday in our home is the DockATot. The Dockatot has a zippered cover, making it easy to slip on and off to wash. It it lightweight so I can pack it along on a trip or move it around from room to room in our house when our new little girl is playing or awake. Lauren used the Dockatot with Ezri and only has positive things to say so I’m excited to be able to use it with this new babe. There are now two sizes of Dockatots so you can continue to use it as your baby grows.

Kinsley loved having a pacifier when she was little so I am being prepared and having some new soothers on hand before the new little girl arrives. Ryan and Rose is a company started by a mom and her story is inspiring. If you have the chance, go to their website and read her story - miraculous! Every package from Ryan and Rose comes scrolled with a verse from Mark 9:23, which we love. Ryan and Rose creates accessories for little ones that are durable and adorable. Their pacifiers come in an array of beautiful colours and are made from 100% natural rubber and are allergen-free. Ryan and Rose also creates adorable Cutie Clips to attach to your child’s clothing to ensure you don't lose their pacifier. The beautiful pastel colours are timeless and the teether rattle is a perfect first toy for any newborn.

Aleva Naturals provides comfort and quality for newborns and babies. The Bamboo Baby Diapers and wipes are gentle for a newborn’s skin as they don’t require a typical bleaching process with chlorine, like most other brands. The bamboo fibres in the diaper contain a natural anti-bacterial agent called Bamboo Kun.
We also got to try the bubble bath that Aleva Naturals makes which will get a lot of use in our homes because ou children love having baths at night and the more bubbles, the better!