Fine Motor Skills with Guidecraft
I struggled with the idea of putting my son into preschool. I love preschool. I know some incredible preschool teachers, many moms who have put their children into preschool and I love the themes and activities preschools create for children. A lot of Jake's friends were all going to preschool this past September so I felt this internal pull to put him in to be with his friends. However, my husband and I really felt that we wanted to do learning activities and play at home.
I am so thankful there are companies like Guidecraft that create toys for children that are engaging and provide a learning opportunity as well. When Kinsley naps it provides me with an hour or two with Jake and we have been exploring new games, toys activities and projects together. Our latest find was the Barnyard Activity Boxes from Guidecraft. They are my new favourite toy for littles! Jake loved the barns! Each barn has a door to open and a puzzle slot on the side to slide the animals in. The teacher in me loved all of the details of the barns because children were "playing" and at the same time learning colours, counting, sorting and shapes.
When Kinsley wakes up.....she joins in on the fun! She loved shaking these wooden sorting vehicles. The center comes out so little ones can match the shape to the vehicle. Plus, each vehicle has a sensory block inside which captivates Kinsley.
Shake, Shake, Shake it off Kinsley!
I love watching Jake explore new toys and seeing him learn all on his own! Of course, every good play time needs a good snack. So today we chose Larabars to add to our playtime. I discovered Larabars when I was on Whole 30 and they were delicious. Jake thought it was a "granola bar" and asked for some so I shared. He now loves them!!!
Jake loved the surprise of the 3D Feel and Find Activity. He closed his eyes and pulled out a shape from the bag and began to search for the correct puzzle piece. This is a perfect activity because it combines matching skills, colour identification and visual exercises all in one game!
I love finding convenient, healthy snacks that I can quickly throw in my bag for the kids. Larabars are the perfect fit. I know exactly what I am feeding my children as the ingredients are natural and simple. Larabar's Cashew Bar has two ingredients: dates and cashews!. My favourite flavours right now are Cashew, Apple, Coconut Cream and Peanut Butter. Which flavours do you love?
"It tastes like fruit snacks mom" (-Jake). They sure do Jake!, except these bars have no added sugars or fillers for my little ones. Jake's Cocoa Coconut Chew Larabar is made from almonds, cocoa powder, unsweetened coconut, dates and walnuts. Pure and simple and most importantly delicious! Larabars are made from real food with very few ingredients.
Sharing some love with daddy. He's a little hesitant to give up one of his favourite snacks....but we are still learning how to share some days :)
Thank you Guidecraft for making moments at home with my children even sweeter with fun activities that are meaningful, engaging and full of joy.